By Foolish - 18/07/2016 06:51 - United States - Los Altos

Today, I decided to give my boyfriend one last chance at fixing our failing relationship. Instead of talking about how to fix our dying relationship, he decided to game all day and ignore me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 249
You deserved it 1 916

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well you gave him one more chance and he wasted it. Taking him back after this will just allow him to keep treating you like shit because he knows you'll come back eventually. Time to move on OP.


That's horrible, OP. if you truly love him give him a second chance, if not, you deserve more than that

Can you even read?? That WAS his second chance. He blew it. She DEFINITELY deserves more than that animal..

I completely skipped that part....whoops. Guess he's gonna live a lonely life.

lifeofpie25 16

why do girls always have to talk. *Turns on PS4*

Nothing wrong with preferring gaming. Just don't complain about girls "friendzoning" you or "going for bad guys".

Well you gave him one more chance and he wasted it. Taking him back after this will just allow him to keep treating you like shit because he knows you'll come back eventually. Time to move on OP.

Angelrose2004 17

What a jerk move on his part. If your relationship is that serious, try counseling. That'll give you both a chance to resolve the issues with an unbiased mediator and a new outlook on issues.

If he refuses to listen to her, what makes you think he would go to counseling?

SmittyJA24 26

Wake up & smell the coffee: this is his way of dumping you.

Did you voice that today was the day that he has his last chance....or did you bottle it up and he had no clue what you were thinking?

I suspect he had some idea of just how bad things were and just didn't care. So OP should realize that the relationship is not dying but dead and move on.

Well let's just invest some emotions Here and some time here AND IT'S GONE!

Erm, did HE know it was his last chance to fix your dying relationship?