By beforegirl - 08/11/2010 21:11 - Australia

Today, I discovered I am the "before picture" in an internet weight loss advert. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 554
You deserved it 8 975

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So you're the "before", but not the "after"? Are you trying to tell me... that an internet advertiser is making false claims?!

Using your picture without your consent is most likely illegal.


I'm sure it's not that bad.. saying that, what's the after pic like?

I remember a while back ifunny had a pic of two underaged girls dresses pretty slutty to advertise ifunny "mmmm tasty download ifunny for more" or some shit. The original girls didn't consent to this and they wouldn't remove their photo. They were 13 I'm sure....