By Anonymous - 09/09/2015 18:54 - United States - Decatur

Today, I drove across two states to see my brother, who's had a history of heart problems. My mother had sent me a long e-mail saying he was on his death bed and wanted to talk to me to "get his affairs in order." When I arrived worriedly, he was fine. My mother guilt-tripped me to come visit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 717
You deserved it 3 671

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I assume not if her mother had to tell that big of a lie just to get her to visit...either that or she's just crazy:/ how sad.


I assume not if her mother had to tell that big of a lie just to get her to visit...either that or she's just crazy:/ how sad.

Op may live too far away to visit or they don't get a lot of time off

It'll bring bad blood if she keeps lying to her daughter like that

Wow.. I'm sorry OP. That is never something to lie about

Misswildsides 22

Sounds like maybe you don't visit your family often enough. Your mother shouldn't have played that card on you, though.

The mother might be the reason they don't visit if she's willing to pull shit like that..

OP might have a crazy work schedule or things that make it difficult to visit.

AwkwardKryssi 14

Yeah it was a bad card to play. Op could be in the same situation as me (my dad has strokes randomly); not enough money or a busy schedule. So, they could be calling and skyping like i do

A little twisted... However, try to make the most of it, cos you never know with these things...

Then remind your mother about the little boy who cried wolf. I agree FYL

theamazingd 17

Does she often try to get you to visit with no avail, or is this just what she started with? Followup would be great. Still, fyl, OP.

lilchica22001 22

I think it's both FYL and YDI. How sad that your mom had to trick you into visiting her and your brother. Family is so important and you'll miss them when they are gone :(

We have no way of knowing how much op visits or doesn't visit or reasons. If my family member pulled something like this I definitely wouldn't want to visit again.

faking death is never an appropriate card to pay. Even if OP never visited, under no circumstance does OP deserve to believe her brother is dying. I agree that family is important, but being someone's family is a title that is earned not given, and what OP's mom did proves that she has lost some of that right, or not earned it at all (I'm unaware of their relationship, so I'm not exactly sure whether this was a one time thing or not).

That definitely sucks, I'm sorry to hear that BUT ON THE FLIP SIDE... YOURE SO LUCKY THAT HES A LIVE STILL