By sounfair90 - 27/05/2009 04:06 - United States

Today, I felt left out by the fact that all my friends are getting married or have great relationships, and my boyfriend won't commit. I made a Facebook up and pretended to talk with this really cute guy I made up. Today, I found out that my boyfriend is gay when he started hitting on my made-up Facebook guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 740
You deserved it 21 420

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You deserve that and more for trying to make him jealous like that. Even if he was straight, he'd be 100% right to not commit to someone as insecure and manipulative as you.

R3TH0R 0

well... now you can confront him and be like "sooo.... when were you going to come out of the closet?" but seriously FYL for having to make a fake account to try and make him jealous


Kurg 0

Your made-up facebook guy and your (most likely soon to be) ex boyfriend should totally hook up! :D Then when your ex wants to really see him, drop the bomb and reveal that it's you!!! >:D just a thought

R3TH0R 0

well... now you can confront him and be like "sooo.... when were you going to come out of the closet?" but seriously FYL for having to make a fake account to try and make him jealous

You deserve that and more for trying to make him jealous like that. Even if he was straight, he'd be 100% right to not commit to someone as insecure and manipulative as you.

OMG. i HAD to create an fml account just to comment on your fml. IT'S THE BEST! i mean, obviously, it sucks that he turned out gay & all. but trying to achieve the same thing as you, i ALSO created a fake facebook account, & it turned out quite helpful actually. but in the end . . . all good things come to an end, so yeah. good luck. :s

You made an FML account just to say "me too", pretty much

Or he found out its you and he's paying you back in this way! Hmmmm o.0 Either way ydi.

Are you entirely positive that he didn't know it was actually you, and he was just having some fun? I mean, yeah, maybe he is gay, which would suck for you, but if you haven't talked to him about it yet, he could just be playing around with you.

Chances are it was easy to guess the account was a fake, and he did it to see your reaction? If he guessed it was you, it's not surprising. It's more probable that it's that than him being gay all of a sudden despite being with a girl... But yeah, sounds like there's a problem anyway, in the not-wanting-to-commit area. :(

I had a friend who everyone knew was gay all throughout middle and highschool. He used to date girls, one for a few years as well. some people go to great lengths to hide who they truly are.

Sounds like your bf has committment issues. He probably hit on you made up profile to find out more about the dude. You know, like an "overprotective" bf checking up on your contacts. Don't stress, I'm sure he's straight. Probably some sort of twisted test. Good luck

Ahahahahah! I'm so sorry for you... That is messed up... But I can't stop laughing... Ahahaha! #12 are you serious???