By Anonymous - 30/08/2015 00:06 - Canada - Newmarket

Today, I found dog poop in my room that had probably been there for days. My girlfriend, who was watching the house, said she didn't realize it was there, because she thought it was the smell of her own farts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 696
You deserved it 2 201

Same thing different taste

Top comments

19990231 29

That is an impressive lady if the smell sticks around that long.

I'd probably be a bit concerned if my farts smelled like dog shit. . That's just me though


DMA0712 22
krazayman 18

why can't people realize that this is no longer a joke

Cause they have shit for brains. Now THAT's a real shituation.

19990231 29

That is an impressive lady if the smell sticks around that long.

Yeah, she's a real keeper, marry her now OP!

That's a pretty strong relationship if she tells you that with no problem op

Look on the brightside, her farts aren't as bad she thinks they are.

I'd probably be a bit concerned if my farts smelled like dog shit. . That's just me though

More like she wasn't watching the house for long.

great profile picture to go with the comment!

cheshireau 26

What has she been eating to think that?

uhhh how bad do her farts get if she thought they were hers.

1) I bet she was to lazy to pick it up, she just made up some b.s. 2) if she has gas that bad for that many days, go take care of that nasty butt!!!