By feelthesting - 06/07/2015 22:26 - Mexico - Aguascalientes

Today, I found out that my "mosquito bite" was in fact a jellyfish sting I got in Mexico, which has caused me to break out into horrendous hives in the airport waiting for the flight home. It's okay though, the plane is only delayed for 7 hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 603
You deserved it 1 854

Same thing different taste

Top comments

codytallica 38

How do you mix up a jellyfish sting and a mosquito bite?

Eff_Itt 20

Most airports have little stores (if not in them then nearby) and you can get various kinds of pain relief. Good luck!


codytallica 38

How do you mix up a jellyfish sting and a mosquito bite?

It depends on the jellyfish also she could be allergic to mosquito bites so she thought the red spots around where she got bit/stung were from the mosquito bite

ProximityToDeath 20

Actually, all humans are allergic to mosquito saliva, it's why the bites puff up. It just depends on the severity of the allergy.

oh I feel bad for you op - hope it goes okay:)

Eff_Itt 20

Most airports have little stores (if not in them then nearby) and you can get various kinds of pain relief. Good luck!

If OP is already in the airport I doubt they can leave to go to a store nearby. Also, at least when I've travelled outside the UK, I always seem to be able to buy pain relief/antihistamines etc. on the way out in case of last minute essentials that I've forgotten but on the way home I can never find them in the duty free area.

usnwife 18

With a 7 hour delay there should be no reason she couldnt leave. Assuming she still has her ID and ticket with her (can't imagine why she wouldnt) she can simply leave, get what she needs, and go back through security and back to her plane when she is done. Just have to be careful that what you buy is small enough to take through security.

Why couldn't OP go to the store? OP Said the flight was delayed 7 hours

Every airport I've been in usually has a kind of convenience store inside with things like tooth paste, neck pillow, magazine, paracetamol and antihistamines. I always have a sheet of zyrtec in my wallet just for occasions like this, I'm allergic to the stupidest things like ants and yellow gold

Can't be that there's no medical treatment at the airport or somewhere close by?

How does one not notice the jellyfish stinging them? Nevertheless, hang in their OP, and get some relief!

Maybe Op thought it was a kool jellyfish and it gave em a hivefive o.o

mds9986 24

Jellyfish can be pretty translucent, so OP probably didn't see it and could have mistaken the feeling for seaweed or something.

omg i feel for u! i got an outbreak of a kind of samonella while travelling home. Worst trip ever... hope u are okay!

amileah13 26

Oh goodness! Maybe visit a clinic that can help you with the hives to relieve the pain until you can visit your regular doctor (that is if you have one) or a walk-in clinic. Good luck op with the hives and the wait!

Wouldn't a jellyfish sting be about 10x the size of a mosquito bite?