By Anonymous - 26/08/2011 17:49 - United States

Today, I had to take my dog to the vet for him to be put to sleep. I could feel the cold, hard shaft of irony slide its way up my ass and slowly fuck me senseless with every step I took on this beautiful National Dog Day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 713
You deserved it 6 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This was wonderfully written. I've never read an FML so descriptive.

gunmania0 12

That was a good hard metaphor.


if the dog was very old/in pain you did the right thing OP

futtbuck101 1

Rape is a serious crime. Don't be afraid to tell someone.

Definitely loving OP's way of describing the irony.

that wasn't the only hard shaft going up your ass that day, was it?

It's kinda like rapists who feel the cold, hard shaft of irony up the ass in prison. Metaphorically speaking of course.

lilmisslovely13 15

This is very poetic. I was a little surprised, but pleased :)

Damn those raping shafts of irony!! Hahaha

Did you go take a scalding hot shower afterwards to wash away the shame of this visit to the vet that you were apparently raped at?

I know how it feels to have your pet put asleep...its sad :'( you know what makes me feel better, hanging around with people you love!

The Sorting Hat is the nicest hat of all. It somehow finds something nice to say about Slytherin.

If I had stoped reading at "cold hard shaft of irony slid up my ass" I still would have laughfed like helk but the ending really didit for me (thats what she said) But seriously OP sorry about your dog

ChucklesTheClown 4

There's a national dog day? Why?

@9 You don't kill living creatures because they're old...

abbey321 8

My cat shadow died on my lap. I miss him so much! He wasn't in pain but he was old he died healthy and in my arms. ;(

snowdrift 6

Ahah what a metaphor....:// sorry about yo dawgi op

This was wonderfully written. I've never read an FML so descriptive.

Laurenlou 24

OP must have a ton of great analogies like this!

gunmania0 12

15 - analogy is such a dirty word, and it correctly matches the FML... You get a +1.

Laurenlou 24

24- Analogy is not a dirty word. But thanks!

30, ANALogy is what I think they were getting at.

Ow. I could feel it. So cold... So cold...

Laurenlou 24

39- Oh I see that now! Sorry I don't keep my mind in the gutter. Haha

KiddNYC1O 20

45- You should. It's this new trend...

If OP managed to write like this in 200 characters or less, I'd love to have a conversation with him/her in real life.

This reminds me of the FML about Satan's ass gas. Wonderful descriptions, eh?

itouchuser77 8

this gives a whole new meaning to f your life

geoffnel10 0
HelloHolaBonjour_fml 11
FunnyGuy5051 7

sorry to hear that op, I never knew there was a national dog day tho

ugottaluvme 0

There is a national day for everything.

gunmania0 12

I see what you did there! For those that don't get it, dogs go 'ruff'.

gunmania0 12

Are you not going to thank me for point that out 17? :(

KiddNYC1O 20

13- OMFG! How in the hell did you figure that out, champ?

gunmania0 12

62 - are you a dick in real life or just whilst behind your computer in your mums basement?

KiddNYC1O 20
KiddNYC1O 20

I may have insulted you but make no mistake about it, I'm sure you insulted everyone on FML with comment #13.

gunmania0 12

90 - Did you read 60's comment...?

KiddNYC1O 20

Okay, don't take it personal. I saw your comment first.

I_Hate_Tpyos 0

13- he may be on his iPod instead of a computer.

ugottaluvme 0

Lol 17 in gonba text you k?

sariannacanna 6

I almost cried at the crude beauty of your metaphor *claps* bravo my friend, bravo. Sorry about your dog.

Do you mean "cruel" beauty? 'cause I don't think the beauty was crude at all.

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