By Anonymous - 29/04/2015 17:42 - United States - Schaumburg

Today, I kept hearing a child creepily giggling in my living room. I couldn't sleep and got so scared that I started considering hiring an exorcist. Long story short: be careful if you have Bluetooth speakers, because your dickhead neighbor might hack them and start fucking with you. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 828
You deserved it 5 243

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Really creepy of your neighbor. Hopefully they don't do it again. FYL


monkey_business9 14

Nice! On a side note, you should get that checked out.

Do you see them as well? If so, how often?

That is a diabolical genius right there, who even thinks of that?

RA91 26

I gotta agree with #12, that was a good prank!

haha I think it was awesome!! hell of a prank, kudos to the neighbor!!

JustinJK 21

My downstairs neighbors don't have a password on their WiFi. when I'm bored I like to connect to it and print out ****** up shit. Mess with their chrome cast (****) and stuff. They haven't figured it out yet... dumb people, lol.

Karma is an evil thing ..what goes around comes around .

sneak in his house in the middle of the night and give the ****** a taste of his own medicine.

I think connecting to a neighbor's Bluetooth speakers is a little different than breaking and entering...

or invite yourself over, and hide the speakers in his house during the day, since we don't want to do anything illegal.

Hack? PIN for most Bluetooth audio devices is 0000, there is not much to "hack" here.

*screenshots* I'm definitely keeping this in mind

**Creepy child voice** Did I scare you?! Hehehehehe

My sister does this to me while I shower and she plays darth vader breathing the entire time

PePziNL 20
ZombieVampirez 24

Just turn off your Bluetooth when you aren't using it or keep your phone connected so no one can connect to it.

I would probably freak out!!! Glad you figured out where it was coming from!