By Hiimhaileypotter - 14/07/2014 22:48 - United States - Fredericksburg

Today, I left the house I'm staying at, not knowing that thunderstorms were forecast. I came back from work to find dog shit splattered all over the kitchen. Apparently the dogs I'm watching don't like thunder. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 313
You deserved it 5 173

Hiimhaileypotter tells us more.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

#12- They stay in the kitchen when I'm gone (I was at work), and the FML is really that I forgot thunderstorms were in the forecast. I was supposed to have turned on the stove fan to help mask the sound, but I forgot. :( Lol. It's not really a huge deal. Just a minor inconvenience!

Top comments

Wizardo 33

Everyone needs a thunder buddy man, everyone.

I would assume it'd happen regardless. It's not like you could have taken the dog out in that storm to do its business. If anything, you couldn't taken it to the bathroom if you knew, but it'd still be a mess. That sucks, though, and poor dog :/


I would assume it'd happen regardless. It's not like you could have taken the dog out in that storm to do its business. If anything, you couldn't taken it to the bathroom if you knew, but it'd still be a mess. That sucks, though, and poor dog :/

incoherentrmblr 21

You're in for a long, smelly night...

It might have happened regardless, but it might not have. If there was a person there to cuddle it might have kept them just calm enough to not shit everywhere. If my dog hears thunder when he's alone he goes crazy and tears the house apart, but if I'm home he just sits on my lap and shakes.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

The day before it had stormed and I was there with them and they were fine :P So unfortunately if I'd been there, there wouldn't have been a mess. But oh well. :)

Wizardo 33

Everyone needs a thunder buddy man, everyone.

Schizomaniac 24
blazerman_fml 17

**** YOU THUNDER! I've got a teddy bear!THUNDER BUDDIES 4 LYF(for life for the grammar nerds out there who don't get jokes)

MzZombicidal 36

A joke is supposed to be funny, #21.

blazerman_fml 17

Well at least I tried.If it makes even one guy smile it would be worth it ^_^

#21 is trying to use a TED (a movie) reference but It didn't work out well for him

I smiled, #21. I'm not a guy though. ^_~

blazerman_fml 17

Haha yes!I was referring to the movie!Well at least you'll can laugh at my crappy luck!The one person that found it mildly funny isn't a "guy".FML

I hope you aren't the type of person to gag from the smell like I am

nesteremily 31

You can't complain, you're being paid to watch and take care of them and that's part of the job

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Isn't complaining what FML is for, though? ;) I never actually expected this to get published, and it's not like cleaning the kitchen ruined my night (I work at a dog groomers so I definitely have seen worse. Lol). I just posted this so people would laugh, like any other FML. :)

At least you know what to expect and hopefully take precautions if there is a forecast. Btw It's more of an FML for the poor dogs. "Today, our caretaker left us locked inside kitchen. There's some bomb blast happening outside and we are scared shitless. FOL"

nesteremily 31

Lol true and that's a beautiful horse, is it yours?

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Thank you #80 :) She's the horse I ride, not technically mine though sadly. Maybe eventually. ;)

I guess you found yourself in a real shit-storm of trouble.

thatsucks4you 7

Dammit I hit thumbs up. Very punny!

thatsucks4you 7

I hit the thumbs down on accident.

football98_fml 20

I dont blame them... My little sisters wet the bed everytime theres a thunderstorm at night

I have dogs that I look after who shit anyway on a wonderful day right after I let them in from being outside for a good while. It happens, OP.

#9, That's not normal... If your dog is pooping inside even after having the chance to go outside it means either he is extremely unhappy about something and is trying to show you he's upset (this is very common with animals who feel neglected), or he is not trained at all and doesn't realize he's supposed to go outside and not inside. Either way, it wouldn't be too difficult to fix.

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As the grandchild of two professional pet sitters, I can insure you that I've seen worse, and my grandparents have seen WAY worse. One time at my grandparents' house, a Labrador Retriever with a cyst-like bump on his tail was staying over at their house and the cyst popped as he was wagging his tail and drops of blood sprayed all over the dining room and on the kitchen and China cabinets. It looked like a "massacre", to use my grandmother's words. But it's still one of the most memorable pet sitting mishaps for me, and I still think it's funny (especially because the dog was not hurting, he was just wagging his tail, blissfully unaware that blood was going all over the place). It puts a smile on my face whenever I think about it. You too might look back at this and laugh one day, OP.