By Anonymous - 30/11/2010 15:23 - United States

Today, I lied when my therapist asked why I preferred Tuesday morning appointments. It's actually because World of Warcraft is down for regularly scheduled maintenance. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 754
You deserved it 37 718

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why lie to your therapist? They can't help you if you don't tell them the truth. Also, if you want to play that game, then fair play, but when you can't tear yourself away in such a way (especially for something like this), then you might want to play a little less.


**** that game. This is why you see a therapist in the first place because you waste your life playing WoW and don't have any REAL friends. Stop playing, go get a life, and stop complaining to your therapist. Problem solved.

Really? Is that why the OP sees a therapist? You must know them personally. I'm sure it has nothing to do with a mental illness, or anything—you know, those things that people go to see therapists to treat.

I have real friends in real life. And we also play WoW together. One of these friends is my boyfriend. We are happy together. I also have other hobbies outside of WoW, such as walking and reading, and am a conasseuir (I have no idea how to spell that word) of hilariously bad fan fiction. If that makes me a loser then I am proud to be a loser.

lilponygurrl 0

I play WoW and Tuesday is the day of the week that I run errands, deep clean the house,(the rest of the week I just do normal pick ups and dishes) do laundry, and go grocery shopping. I play 4 or 5 days a week for a few hours a day but never past 6pm. That's family time. Just because someone PLAYS WoW doesn't mean they're addicted to it. Sadly though, some people are and a lot of people have the misconception that if you play, you're a hopeless loser with no life..which is why a very large number of players do not share the fact that they play. I do not keep it a secret and proudly wear my "For The Horde!" WoW shirt out in public quite a bit. Few weeks ago I was out shopping and had it on, some guy walked up to me and said "Lok'tar!" I of course responded "Zug Zug!" (I like my "I fight like a girl" WoW shirt better though!)

Femtrooper 0

Don't worry, I schedule all my tests and chores for Tuesdays too. You are not alone.

and how old are u exactly!!!!??? thats just weird

Griggy 0

I bet you're getting therapy for your WoW addiction.

megamandude455 10

holy **** a girl that plays WoW. that's amazing!! :O

I wish the embarrassment about playing WoW would just disappear ... Yes there are those crazies who can't peel themselves out of their chair long enough to talk a piss during a raid, but the game ... Is awesome!! Most ppl are normal. Common people, over 12 MILLION people play! Horde ftw!

TheDrifter 23

I hear ya. Going 12/12 in icc then straight into rs without a break is no worse than sports fans glued to the set and afraid to leave their chairs for four hours during superbowl for fear of missing one of the commercials.

Gross. Horde ftl.. human chicks ftw! free bewbz lols. I kinda miss my s'mourning fury warrior.. did they really take out armor pen out of the game??

To be fair, most guilds give an unwritten bio-break at certain points at the night. Any other time and you could be causing 9 or 24 other people to be waiting on you to finish a piss, unless it's a pug. Do whatever the hell you want in a pug. I used play a healer and genuinely just try and stuck to those times, to avoid wasting 24 other peoples time, that they've donated to play with little old me.