By He Hates Me... - 21/10/2015 00:15 - United States - Ogden

Today, I'm in my third week at a new job. Using an online service our company recommends, I accidentally downloaded a virus that is now working its way through our website, randomly sending our customers Viagra ads via our email. I personally had to tell the founder of the company. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 461
You deserved it 4 262

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I think my dad did the same thing but thru a **** website

Wait, aren't most websites running Linux now? Linux doesn't get viruses without putting some effort into it, so they must be using Windows server in which case THEY deserve it.

If your company recommends it, I would think it would be on them As to why you do not have antivirus or adblock.....

Oi fer foks seak laddie yer a fookin idiot.

Remember to be careful of computer glitches lasting more than 4 hours.