By Ananimus - 26/08/2015 12:31 - United States - Peekskill

Today, I overheard my boyfriend of two years saying he only dates me because "sometimes jerking off just ain't good enough". FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 580
You deserved it 2 374

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ninjerman 7

Anyone who says "you deserve it" either has the worlds biggest fingers or is the world's biggest asshole. Hang in there, you'll find a guy that deserves you

Chelserser 20

Better watch what he says or he'll have to get used to it. Hope he was joking though op! :)


Ninjerman 7

Anyone who says "you deserve it" either has the worlds biggest fingers or is the world's biggest asshole. Hang in there, you'll find a guy that deserves you

Sometimes I accidentally press YDI while I'm scrolling and I'm like ahhhh no I didn't mean to do it may have happened to those 14 people...who knows

Ninjerman 7

I do the same thing? However I fall under the "fat finger" category...I need a bigger phone

Did anyone else read that as the person with the huge asshole finding a guy that deserves them? :o

@ #13 'jerk off her mind' accidental pun?

Chelserser 20

Better watch what he says or he'll have to get used to it. Hope he was joking though op! :)

Tell him that the only reason you date him is that it's better than nothing.

Break up with him and say, "there's the new **** DVD's on your bed"

dannnngthatsux 19

@65 I'm sure she meant"**** on the internet is free"...which it is...more people on this forum spend their comments on correcting grammar and pointing out errors. Contribute to the actual convo yo!

Ouch, that actually pretty ****** up. Sorry OP little boys giving guys bad names.

Tell him to date **** actresses from now on.

What's wrong with dating **** stars? Just because it's comprised of independent women/men making money off someone else's vices? Isn't that the basic business plan of every company in the entertainment industry? The **** industry is a safer place to find sex rather than picking people up in bars, or chat forums. And also, this is an industry where women can make more than the men. No glass ceiling in ****!

Presumably because she liked or loved him and presumed he had many good qualities she was attracted to. Two years is a long time to stay with someone just for sex, especially if you're ambivalent about that person. That's kind of why it's an FML.

Hey thanks bud for explaining that. Really did a nice job. Overall good effort. Presumably good effort actually.

That better had been an awful, stupid joke. Because unless it was, I hope for him, jerking off will have to be good enough forever. That's a shitty thing to say, especially to his girlfriend.

nitrog100 21

But OP says she "overheard" him saying it. He could easily be joking.

You're right, I misread it. Hopefully it was nothing more than a joke.

The_Big_Boss 20

He's obviously kidding. No guy will put up with a girl for 2 years just for sex.... Unless he is incredibly desperate