By deadbeatdad - 15/11/2015 22:35 - United States - Edmond

Today, I popped two tires hitting a curb. I called my dad hysterical, and he told me to call my mom and hung up. My mom's been dead for seven years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 701
You deserved it 2 202

Same thing different taste

Top comments

unsun 13
justcommenting19 19

AAA is very helpful. Sorry that your dads an idiot.


unsun 13

He's been mixing dad jokes with black magic. Unfortunately, there is no turning back from this dark road.

spacefish966 18

Seriously what a ****** up thing to say

mds9986 24

Call up the insurance and they will send somebody to help.

justcommenting19 19

AAA is very helpful. Sorry that your dads an idiot.

Sorry for your loss OP. Hope everything's going well..

All you can do is call the break down people, sorry your dad was no help :(

OP is talking something quite serious...and there's no need to make fun of his/her dead mum by blaming his father of ******* around. Be a little sensitive and a little human.

I think it may have been a legitimate suggestion. What if the dad is seeing someone and that's the way of breaking it to her and expecting her to call her "mom" Dads an asshole either way.

Jeeze did he forget or something? Lol that sucks OP hopefully you'll get the new tires soon and without much hassle