By ishouldntdrink - 10/01/2010 15:11 - United States

Today, I read through my phone, hoping there weren't any drunk texts by me from the night before. Apparently I dirty texted everyone, even my boss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 912
You deserved it 39 283

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm getting the impression that you make a habit of getting blind drunk and texting people, then not remembering the following day. If I were you, I'd (a) stop drinking so much, (b) leave the phone at home if you're going to get that drunk, or (c) all of the above.

Oh man. This trend of "I got drunk and did something stupid, **** my life." is totally not getting old, people. Oh wait. Yes, yes it is.


hahahaha the real question is what did they reply?

Tamara2011 0

haha i bet he went with it ;) TLR-

hahaha YTDI and i hope you get assraped by your boss on monday

Oh man. This trend of "I got drunk and did something stupid, **** my life." is totally not getting old, people. Oh wait. Yes, yes it is.

thats why when you drink u dont have your phone on its saves lots of trouble

dumbasses with technology is a dangerious combo. Also, texting is for tools.

jamjenni2774 0

If your a female your a ****. If your a male your just a dumb ass.

if u cant control urself while drinking and after drinking then dont drink at all

YDI for being a ******* idiot and drinking, buddy.