By Unlucky - 15/11/2014 02:18 - Australia - Cairns

Today, I realized that at 20 years old I already have noticeable wrinkles around my eyes. But to balance it out, my chronic acne keeps me looking youthful. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 935
You deserved it 3 031

Same thing different taste


try out Frank coffee body scrub from the before and after pictures I've seen it does an amazing job :)

A 20 year old with acne and grey hair here. Damn, biology.

I'm 22 and I have the exact same problem... wrinkles on my forehead, acne on my cheeks.

Me too! But add an aching back and joint pain! FYL ;D

I'm 30, and I have the same problem, only I am also allergic to soaps and cleansers and can't use anything but water on my face and baby wash on my body.On the plus side, in my puberty years I barely had a pimple, y'know, back when I was too awkward to even think about dating.

If you smoke ydi but if not then FYL, also maybe your aren't getting enough sleep