By misty_love - 10/03/2010 08:09 - United States

Today, I realized that I can still do the splits. Why? Because I fell down an entire flight of stairs, everyone in the hall saw me land and applauded. Someone even shouted "and she sticks the landing." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 723
You deserved it 3 730

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So nobody was concerned that you fell down the stairs? Look on the bright side; at least you can do splits. That's more than I can do. And it wasn't an utterly humiliating experience.


zal13 0

what do u mean fml that sounds pretty awesome expcailly since u did stick the landing

Morgansayshi 0
rockin198 0

thats funny really funny just the start of the sentence i knew i would laugh

godyourethick 0

How have you not learned this? When someone falls down/drops a tray of food/otherwise experiences misfortune, people loudly applaud. Stop whining.

And all you had to do was throw your hands up and smile as if to say, "TA-DA!!!" and people would talk about how AWESOME and hilarious you are instead of how clumsy and awkward you are. There's a fine line--it's called confidence.