By Anon - 17/02/2012 20:43 - United States

Today, I sneezed while I was in the middle of getting a root canal. I managed to warn the dentist that I was going to sneeze, but he didn't manage to get the tools out of my mouth in time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 586
You deserved it 2 086

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The dentist had his "tool" in your mouth? I've never heard of fellatio being referred to as a "root canal" before.


its like taking an arrow to the knee, but in your mouth!

and your sarcasm value added a grand total of NOTHING! wanker...

There was nothing to add too, so of course I didn't add anything. All you did was take the most annoying, overused meme in existence and demonstrate exactly why it is the most annoying, overused meme in existence.

GoW_Chick 14

Reminds me about the old horror film about a dentist, makes me cringe when I'm in the chair and the dentist is poking around, even though my dentist is a really nice guy, but it's always the nice ones you have to look out for. >.>

be like in little shop of horrors with the sadistic dentist and the masochistic patient "get out of my clinic you sick freak"

SignUpisntcool 3

Ouch! But it could be worse , you could have got an arrow to the knee .

SignUpisntcool 3

There's you a mouthful! Sorry ,I just had to.

crazyblackchick 0

Dude, you totally got drilled in the mouth.

flockz 19

well then of course OP and the dentist got married. OP was attracted to the kindness of the dentist while the dentist was attracted to OP's lack of a gag reflex. then they went back to the dentist's cardboard box, had freaky monkey sex, and the dentist made OP plump with his seed. nine months later, a young boy was born, whose only mission was to kill and exterminate any and all FML commenters who make dumb comments. the people praised the young boy and made a statue out of him, made of their own fecal matter. then i went back on to the internet and continued giggling at LOLcats.

I had a root canal and the thought of that....oh dear god *faints*

Ouch I just had a root canal and it sucked. I thought it would be way worse though.

Llama_Face89 33