By Worstjob - 03/03/2011 00:35 - United States

Today, I started my job as a high school janitor. A student decided to welcome me by taking a dump in the urinal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 309
You deserved it 4 438

Same thing different taste

Top comments

riggens7522 0

I want to know how that kid thinks " oh, I want to shit in the urinal today."

at least he decided to welcome you :)


it's all down hill from here. Well, until the next time.

Go find him and shit in his backpack, see how he likes it

pikle101 0

I agree! seriously who ***** in the urinal?! like eew! what if some other guy comes in and sees a guy with his penis hanging out and pooping in the urinal.

nanotide 0

at least you don't have to fish it out of water.

LaChula 0

well that does suck but you choose the job so get used to it or find a new job... anyways y would u go to school for so many years so you could go Back to clean after schools

you're a dumb bitch. first off, your comment is unoriginal, and second, im pretty sure no ones life ambition is to be a 'master of the custodial arts'...or janitor if you wanna be a dick about (had to) We cant all be doctors and presidents.

FYL for trying to hit on girl in here. get out more you pathetic douche.

Maybe he needed the job,to feed his family

CommonSenseKarma 17

I find your lack of gratitude extremely unsuitable for your occupation.

That'ls just gross..i wudve given up there and then

YDI for being a janitor, you should do a job you love.

Not everyone gets to score a job they love.

ronkster44 2

Someone needs a reality check, quick...

I was thinking about becoming a crack dealer. not a mean crack dealer though. just walk up to my friends and be like "hey guys, want some crack?" you know something like that. Ricky Bobby

lalagirl912 0

ohh ohh I'm getting a raging clue!

mandafager 32

My clue is pointing this way! ->

Hidan_fml 0

Better call the Hardly Brothers...