By Anonymous - 14/02/2016 09:15 - Netherlands - Veldhoven

Today, I think I've conditioned my body to not function without technology, as I simply couldn't take a shit until I got up, fetched my phone and returned to the toilet to read stuff on here. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 006
You deserved it 6 316

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Imagine what would happen if the phone battery died.

To all the people saying YDI, I think you would do the same thing


For your own sake I hope you never go camping.

saffy66 34

I had a minor brain meltdown after reading 'until I got up'. Here I was thinking you were so lazy you were going to just do it lying in bed. Glad you clarified that! And I've resorted to reading the air freshener can, just to kill 'toilet boredom'.

I guess you could say without your phone you'd be in a shitty situation.

So what would've happened if your phone died in mid-poop would've it just got stuck until your phone turned back on?

You're not alone, that's what 80% of people are on here doing!

I'm wondering if OP submitted this while pooping.

You've never read the shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant, etc? I can't be the only one whose done this.

I'm sitting on my toilet seat whilst reading this !!! FML, I guess

Wait...that isn't normal?!? Dangit, OP, now I feel bad about myself!