By roark0806 - 29/05/2009 13:54 - United States

Today, I took my girlfriend to a Bo Bice concert for her birthday. She loves him so I bought us second row seats. After we got there we ran into some friends of hers sitting way back in the lawn section, and of course she wanted to sit with them. I paid $300 to sit on the grass and watch Bo Bice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 524
You deserved it 4 887

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dancing_bear 0

How extremely rude. You bought those tickets as a present, and spent extra to make it nice for her - and she just ditches you like that? Some people have no manners. FYL for sure.

Wow...That sucks, man. Get a better girlfriend.


UGADawg08 1

This is a sign that you need to dump your girlfriend - for her crappy taste in music, and for the fact that she's a huge bitch.

You didn't have to follow her, so stop complaining.

elfuzzo 0

I sincerely hope you at least got a ******* out of it.

totalbadass 0

At least now you know better than to waste much money on her.

idontgiveone 0

The real reason your life is ****** is that you listen to Bo Bice.

scorpioserpent 1

#40 FTW But that was incredible rude. There are many girls out there that would die to have a bf considerate enough to be willing to blow so much money just to see their favorite concert.

What's wrong with Bo Bice? That guy can sing! But OP, your girlfriend sucks. Sorry to say.