By purrykitty - 23/04/2011 20:18 - United States

Today, I tried to spice things up in the bedroom by making love to my husband in a tight leather corset. I ended up passing out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 867
You deserved it 40 776

Same thing different taste

Top comments

later on you'll find out he didn't stop ;)

AnorexicMuffins 0

I can't even say anything to that...


MisherzzSquisher 0

don't wear things that is tight enough to make u pass out!

ImaWiseGuy 5

flip that shit, tell your husband he was punching the kitty so hard you just up'n passed out....

Indeed! Making love to a corpset is hard!

Wow OP sounds like something Justin Bieber would do.

staceysgenesis16 0

hah , thats an epic sex fail .. lol

enonymous 8

I bet it spiced things up or him bet he's been dying to have back a part of his college days with passed out chicks in his bed. I also bet he finished

AnorexicMuffins 0

I can't even say anything to that...

ImaWiseGuy 5

keep thinking, you'll come up with something.....^

A7X_LoVeee 10

^ lololololol win? I think so.

ImaWiseGuy 5

I was being a bit of a smart ass on that one....

NoWaitNotNow 0

That's because you're showing off your ****. Tends to be hard to think about an intelligent response.

2: By making that statement, you thus thought of something to "say to that." Perhaps if you weren't anorexic, you'd eat brain food and avoid future embarrassments.:)

missy_lynn012 0

Maybe you should let your husband loosen it for you?;)

ImaWiseGuy 5

if your thinking what I think your thinking then I like the way you think ^

Blonde joke? No? Okay. Waste of time if you ask me. Anybody? Damn. Hard world out there.

how is she #2 and she is the first comment???

Canchan 12

Do you know how old that pic is? I can bet you a million bucks that that's not that person. That picture has circulated more than my mother's ******.

dude ok right it isn't it's on the top of google people are so stupid

wow real original ! that picture is such a fake it is right on the top of google . Next time don't assume everyone is a retard.. k don't feel cool cause you use a fake picture google firefox girl cause that's how fake that girl I'd and no I'm not jealous

AnorexicMuffins 0

117. Comment 1 got moderated

youre passed out and in a corset, you wanted to spice things up? mission complete! passed out and in a corset...

Lol @anorexic muffins. I don't undertsand why you have someone else's pic as your profile pic. Are you breaching some privacy rules? lmao

so what? it's not her? WHO GIVES A FLYING ****? seriously. you people just go Wah it's not her. what if it really is. no one thought of that did they?!? go troll elsewhere *******

Snookie123Babe 0

then wat do u hav to type in to c it???

OhbbyCx 6

I'm in love with your profile picture. srsly.

later on you'll find out he didn't stop ;)

Monikabug 9

Since you are 13 I am going to assume that you have never worn a corset, let alone never worn a tight corset to spice things up in the bedroom with your husband. Therefore your opinion is now voided. Corsets will constrict ANYONE who wears them, whether they are 95 pounds or 400 pounds. Just because the OP passed out doesn't meant that they are the least bit overweight, it was simply done up too tight. OP - be careful next time but good for you for making the attempt to spice things up! I'm sure hubby enjoyed it up until you passed out!

Monikabug 9

This comment was directed at #10. Excuse me while I go beat my iPhone.

I was going to comment and say: "What do you think he did afterwards?" kinda beat me there :P

thats just... ydi! impress him _without_ to small "extras" next time?

dirtyblond 4

-_____- Just cause it was tight doesn't mean she was fat.


i know does mean shes fat!!

Actually, it is now -143!!!!!!!!! Kyky(I forgot the rest of its account Lol) is an idiot

sassypants93 17

Says the 13 year old who has no life experience.

thebestof1984 0

A fat comment coming from a fat girl, hmmmm.....

you are immature. who are you to decide who's fat and who's not?

Let me join in the ill-informed presumptions! *ahem* 10- jealous that you can't even get the largest sized corset over your fat ignoramus head? OR 10- You're a troll. Who let you out from under your bridge, bitch!

Ill* and please pretend there is a full stop after troll

thank you mod gods for editing my comment for me :D

your picture scares the living shit out of me, WTF is wrong with your face?!

-10 you obviously have no idea what you're talking about . so maybe from all the hate you're getting you will learn to think before you say / post anything stupid .

okay, I was just kidding. jeez. and I wouldn't say I'm being a bitch, look what hurtful things your posting about me.

hey I like this comment it was funny. People should expect this stuff on this site!

10 if your only 13 why are you on here I assume you are using the app. you have to confirm you are 17. don't like what is being said? don't comment stupid things

Ok 1) 85 didn't mean your age by 10... that's ur comment number smart one.... and 2) i think you're only jealous of OP cuz her comments actually get posted...

she most likely didnt pass out because shes fat it was probably from some form of heat stroke because the leater was hot

who said she passed out because she was fat ? she could of easily been closterphobic. grow up !

Monikabug 9

Since you are 13 I am going to assume that you have never worn a corset, let alone never worn a tight corset to spice things up in the bedroom with your husband. Therefore your opinion is now voided. Corsets will constrict ANYONE who wears them, whether they are 95 pounds or 400 pounds. Just because the OP passed out doesn't meant that they are the least bit overweight, it was simply done up too tight. OP - be careful next time but good for you for making the attempt to spice things up! I'm sure hubby enjoyed it up until you passed out!

Monikabug 9

(directed at #10) *Beats iPhone*

C6Racer 0
Monikabug 9
Jrefinne 7

You never know, he could have continued enjoying it after she passed out...