By frapples1 - 21/12/2009 19:30 - United States

Today, I was at a family party and everyone was seeing my new glasses for the first time. My 48 year old uncle told me that I look like a hot librarian and then grabbed my ass. He was still sober. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 390
You deserved it 2 944

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Whoa, Id get out of there fast. Thats a little creepy haha

creeeeeeeeeeeepy.this just follows the stereotypes about uncles


Don't worry though, every girl has at least one uncle who wants to rape her. Unless she's just that ugly.

ruckerpark364 0

incest FTL edit: you should've followed it up with a grabbing of the genatalia

#46, why would she grab her creepy uncle's genitals?

The only good reason I can think of for it is to squeeze his balls as hard as you can, but still...

Rico5037 0

you shoulda said you had herpes

don't act like you didn't like it... jk jk.

Dude. It's a compliment. Get. Over. It.

maythem 0

u should tell ur dad abut him.otherwise, tell his wifegf if he has one!