By Anonymous - 09/05/2009 06:43 - United States

Today, I was kneeling down at work to do some cleaning. My co-worker said, "Oh don't your knees hurt, kneeling like that for so long?" Without thinking how it sounded, I said, "Oh no, it's not a problem. I'm on my knees all the time." He's yet to stop hitting on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 018
You deserved it 49 773

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fretforyerlatte 0

well, you kinda asked for that one.

mcsnelly 5

Okay yeah that sounded really bad but everyone's said something without thinking about it and it sounded DEFINITELY don't deserve to be hit on constantly just because you made a slip up like that!


fretforyerlatte 0

well, you kinda asked for that one.

zakiwaki1351 0

hahah YDI it completely second :)

mcsnelly 5

Okay yeah that sounded really bad but everyone's said something without thinking about it and it sounded DEFINITELY don't deserve to be hit on constantly just because you made a slip up like that!

She could just sit him down and tell him "Thank you but I am absolutely Not interested." I get the feeling she is embarrassed and ignoring his advances which could be construed as playing hard to get. Op needs to be upfront and honest with the fella, assuming he is a reasonable human being.

NoBounceNoPlay 0

Gotta love "That's what she said" moments. lol

Slayer_fml 0

Tell him that you have better guys to be on your knees for.

No, you are all idiots, all she has to do is tell the guy shes not interested in him and he will stop, why do woman whine about it and people say shes dumb or hes dumb, excuse me but that guys just trying to get some ass and i dont blame him if a woman makes a comment like that why not just tell him you arent interested in him and he will leave you alone

Oh sure because EVERY guy ALWAYS stops when a woman says she isn't interested. They just turn off their attraction and move on just like that!