By Anonymous - 24/05/2009 04:14 - United States

Today, I was lying on the couch with my boyfriend and was feeling tired, so I got a soda. I sat back down and surprised him with a passionate kiss. I also surprised him when I suddenly burped right into his mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 185
You deserved it 47 567

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hardly worth getting upset over; that's one of the little moments you'll come to cherish in a relationship. I wish I had a girl to burp in my mouth. That ... didn't ... come out right ....


shani__ 0

At least it wasn't vomit? Hopefully it tasted better too. No need for breath mints when we've just drank soda!

Ah, nothing says i *burp* love you like a *burp* can of soda!

Hahaha, as #3 said, be glad it wasn't vomit. I can't say I've ever had this happen though. Not shocking. Was it cola?

Hardly worth getting upset over; that's one of the little moments you'll come to cherish in a relationship. I wish I had a girl to burp in my mouth. That ... didn't ... come out right ....

Gumblebum100 0

oh my gawd #7 when I read yours I was laughing so hard!!! but yeah agreed … kinda

If he likes you I'm sure he didn't care.

I can't help thinking atleast you weren't cybering and then you had to go to the bathroom and leave him hanging for half an hour. Haha, okay. That was gross.