By wtf - 12/07/2009 16:20 - United States

Today, I was on my girlfriend's computer. When searching on google, her browsing history popped up. The first thing was "Best positions for a small penis." FML
I agree, your life sucks 92 022
You deserved it 14 500

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who cares? If you have a small penis, so what. She obviously doesn't care that much as she hasn't left you and is looking for ways to make the sex enjoyable despite it. She also never was rude enough to say it to your face. She's a keeper.

well at least she's trying to work with it...she could have just dumped you and moved on to someone with a bigger penis. And she didn't bring it up to you and make you feel bad about it, sounds like she was trying to overcome something that could negatively affect your sex life because she loves you enough to stay with you. FYL though for having that small of a penis.


FYL for having a small penis.. im no giant down there but at least im not small. dont sweat it tho, some girls actually like small dicks (no sarcasm intended)

warrenthewalrus 0

Maybe you should start investing in male enhancement pills? At least she didn't dump you.

HAHA I actually laughed out loud at this a crazy person, alone in my room

you should just be glad that she didn't break up with you the first time she saw your penis.

Sucks your girlfriend has a small penis bwhahaha.

Maybe shes cheating on you with a dude with a smaller penis?? oh wait thats not any better....

its not the size of the boat, its the motion of the ocean!

dude **** your life.... im about 6 inches and i think im small but my girfriend thinks otherwise but she could be lying but i always smile and think of this site in case i find something like this.

6 in. is normal size, dont worry bout it.

Yeah, don't let **** actors indicate what "normal" is. They are freaks. Have you noticed how ugly most male **** stars are? It's because dicks that big are very rare, so the movie makers take them no matter how disgusting they are everywhere else.

lol they changed sex to intimacy ROFL

its okay. small penis, good for head :]