By hawaiiansokkrboi - 19/04/2009 05:40 - United States

Today, I was practicing soccer at my school. My team was practicing penalty kicks. It was my turn up and this cute girl that I like was watching off ten feet away from the goal. I was running to take the kick when I slipped and kicked the ball. It hit her head and now she won't talk to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 333
You deserved it 10 714

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i agree with number one... it was an accident, for her to be so upset that she won't talk to you over an accident shows that shes probably just a bitch.

fonebone10 0

Awww... Middle School love...


#69 I've never been on a team that didn't

lastminuteperm 0

So basically you injured your crush and she won't talk to you. Why add all that detail? (I know...because it wouldn't be approved by the Moderators)

love_it214 0

you are like an modern version of Charlie brown instead of you getting hurt someone else does

Shaggy_92 5


She isn't worth it. A girl who can't laugh over at herself over a situation like that sounds like a waste of time.

Her fault for standing so close. I nearly broke my best friend's ribs kicking at him while he played goalie. I warned him, but he said to go ahead. He still talks to me. Find someone more mature.

Dude that sucks so much I hope it all works out.