By stephiexbabexx - 15/01/2010 21:27 - United States

Today, I was with my friends at Burger King. While we were eating, I placed my cellphone on the tray, not realising that I'd left it there until after I emptied my tray into the bin. When I got it out of the trash, it was covered in soggy, sticky garbage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 822
You deserved it 39 456

Same thing different taste

Top comments

saranottelling 7

The same thing happened to me when I was 10, only with my retainer. The sticky garbage didn't ever really come off and I had to get a new one.


saranottelling 7

The same thing happened to me when I was 10, only with my retainer. The sticky garbage didn't ever really come off and I had to get a new one.

There's a site like FML but where visitors can tell their DARKEST SECRETS! :) it's

itsmehoeee 0

If you hadn't spent time writing " first(: ", you probably would have been first..

you're an idiot, and totally deserve it

I'm sorry, but what a boring and pointless story :/ pretty much everyone's had to pick something up from the trash at one point or another...

Yeah exactly. Sure it's gross, but most people have to do that in some way. This site is supposed to be for embarrassing and sucky situations that don't happen everyday. Someone having to fish something out of the trash is an everyday occurrence.

RachelTM 0

It may happen to everyone at some point or another, but it still qualifies as an FML, as it probably ruined the OP's day. ;-)

If something as insignificant as that ruined their day then they have far worse problems then a dirty phone.

jennay8288 1

Sucks...but you should always do the "tap" before throwing something like that away. (Check pockets for wallet/phone/etc). But you live, you learn, not really an FML..

i dont know why everyones saying YDI? it was an accident, and it could have happened to anyone.

dspadres 0

Well thats what you get for whipping out your phone because one of your friends did and having this strong need to keep your phones sitting out in the open to show them off or to pretend you have something important to text to someone at all times.