By Anonymous - 24/08/2010 05:52 - United States

Today, I was working at my job as a cashier, checking out an elderly woman's groceries. She was very nice, and we chatted for a couple minutes. Once she had paid, she leaned close to me and said, very politely, "I'm so so sorry that I mistook you for a girl at first, young man." I AM a girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 152
You deserved it 4 928

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FFML_314 11

She's an elderly lady. They get confused sometimes. Don't take it personally OP. If you don't get mistaken for a boy often, than you don't have anything to worry about.

Quest_ 13

Hey OP, maybe you should spend money, time and labour making yourself look more like the gender construct the western world has given you according to what genitals you were born with. But seriously, who cares, even if the elderly lady had 20/20 vision, androgyny is hot.


FFML_314 11

She's an elderly lady. They get confused sometimes. Don't take it personally OP. If you don't get mistaken for a boy often, than you don't have anything to worry about.

ChesterJester11 0

Old people are clueless. Also, 15 is beautiful.

missmurderx 8

I enjoy this. maybe she's blind, hard of hearing? or maybe you just need to wear more makeup :p ps. I like your hair 15 :)

music_METAL 0

Damn catarack! blinding one old person after another!

Boygenius50 8

Yeah you can't really make an FML out of what an old person says. Half the time they don't even know where they are. My friend worked on a nursing home, and she said that the one guy would ask when his mom was picking him up every day, and every day they'd have to tell him she was dead. Kinda sad, but funny if you're sick like me ;)

1121osu2110 0

I find dykes hott! lol really I do I'm gay! hahaha

LemonpartyIsSexy 0

she prob mistoke your camel toe for a bulge.

old people like that all the time .. btw no.15 is pretty ^_^

ok obviously nobody knows that 15 is a bitch. check other fmls and see the conversations she has...

bfrench95 0

why were you looking at her groceries you nasty pervert!

lol darn women who look like men so you think they're men but in reality they're actually women!

tuh! more makeup......that's not a nice thing to say to someone! D:< I'm sure this person looks feminine already.

sashalynn 0

you look cute, Devon. lol... but seriously.... ^_^

RobynNichole1 3

Because its all over the internet. People use her on fake profiles alot

maybe she saw your ***** still in your ****** with her x-ray eyes, and she might have mistaken them for a penis! ;)

thats the only plausible explanation!

Eew stop being the worlds most perverted guy! I'm a girl and I would never date u

CaptainCommenter 6

His world will fall to pieces now, won't it, #64?

If she comes back and starts that shit with you again pop that old lady right in the mouth. Just watch out for them dentures... those things are sharp. :-P

OMG. i live in kentucky too. :D but that sucks bigtime, op. try clinique makeup. it works wonders. ;)

Quest_ 13

Hey OP, maybe you should spend money, time and labour making yourself look more like the gender construct the western world has given you according to what genitals you were born with. But seriously, who cares, even if the elderly lady had 20/20 vision, androgyny is hot.

she got it right the first time tho lol Ive been mistaken for a girl by old people but I don't relly care so ye just ignore it she's old

hey, androgyny is hot, take it as a compliment OP

Reminds me of "Everybody Hates Chris" :)