By WhyMe - 27/11/2018 17:30

Today, I woke up approximately half a nanosecond after my dog involuntarily vomited in bed. On my face. I opened my mouth because it literally filled my nose. I swallowed out of reflex before I was fully awake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 475
You deserved it 310

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tarabella 7

No! No! Bad human! Bad! Never ever talk about something like this to innocent strangers! Bad!

This is why my pets sleep in their own beds elsewhere in the house. They're cute, but they don't always make it out to the back yard in time.


This is why my pets sleep in their own beds elsewhere in the house. They're cute, but they don't always make it out to the back yard in time.

rjdr 7

Dogs are pack animals and don’t thrive unless they sleep in a pack with their alpha. They don’t need to sleep in the bed, but not allowing them in the room is a douchebag move.

Virids 13

You couldn't be more wrong, we've owned many dogs and if you don't take them to your bedroom to sleep they don't feel the need to do so. Never had this problem with any of the dogs we've owned, they always slept in their own bed or wherever else they desired downstairs.

Your dog vomited on your face? Perhaps you ought to wear make-up to bed?

So you're a swallower and not a spitter.....

tarabella 7

No! No! Bad human! Bad! Never ever talk about something like this to innocent strangers! Bad!

Breakfast in bed and you're complaining?

ah man I almost forgot why I'm not supposed to eat and read FML

😱😰😵😲🤢😟 yup that about covers it

Santorini Lawrencia 19

You life really do suck. Yuck!!!!!!

this almost made me vomit. gross. fyl.

this why i dont like dogs sleeping with me