By HSampsON - 13/10/2013 21:20 - Niger - Niamey

Today, in revenge for me pulling the old salt-in-the-soda prank on him, my dad showed up at my college dressed in a tight blouse and miniskirt, demanding that I come home early with him. I think I'm going to be lynched next time I go to class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 071
You deserved it 13 786

Same thing different taste

Top comments


#17 - How do you get on that level? I didn't even know that level existed.

Missyeru 14

#19 Clearly you are new to the Internet if you didn't know that level existed. OP. your dad wins :) GG

Lol not trying to be racist here. But anyone else think it's ironic that he might get lynched in Africa?

\ 28

People will probably sympathize more with OP

I think your dad won the internet. •_•

emirie 21

Your dad sounds awesome. That's hilarious.

Infamous_Tora 12

For some reason this comment made he think of a hairy Italian man In a Sonja Blade outfit.... My brain sucks.

56, you sir are a ass hat that mental image is now stuck in my head they do not make brain bleach strong enough for this situation

Seems like you're going to have to outdo that one. Good luck to you, sir.

Allennis44 16

That's going to be difficult

-bursts into giggles- I wish my parents were that cool.

He deserves father of the year award.