By birthdayfun - 23/03/2009 22:46 - United States

Today, it's my birthday. My mom decided to wake me up by having our new, previously stray, cat thrown on top of me. I was awoken to two claws ripping across my face which needed 16 stitches to fix. Happy Birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 493
You deserved it 37

Top comments

Was it your 16th birthday at least? D:

uhnonnuhmus 0

To get revenge, just throw the stray cat into the shower with your mom someday. Then run like hell.


I would have bitch slapped your mom. Seriously, what a moron.

don't try it. *rubs nose* parents aren't as old as you may think they are.

wtf. ouchy. I hope your mom feels really bad...but happy birthday!

xomsdelanyox 0

dude i would get hella revenge on my mom if that was me. that cat could of had rabbis or something!

@ #16 At least it couldn't possibly have priests...

I would move out of your place if your old enough to. It sounds like your mom has crazy cat lady tendencies.

essentee 0

lol ha ha ha if u needed stitches! faker!

i'd like to see what kind of damage a cat could do to ur face!!! Pictures Please!!! ....& happy birthday :)