By Aeare_ - 17/09/2016 04:15 - United States - Dixon

Today, it was my 21st birthday and I invited a handful of my best friends over. They all stood me up and I drank alone in my apartment. Happy birthday to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 540
You deserved it 1 243

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Happy birthday to you, from Australia. Hope karma hits them hard.


Let's all drink with out friends and if you don't have any, drink because of it

I feel you man, I invited a ton of childhood friends over for my 18th birthday and none of them showed. I had expected about 20+ people. So I was left with a lot of pizza and a girlfriend that did her best to distract me. Turned out to be a fun night but I still haven't talked to any of them years later.

Happy birthday to you!! However they aren't your real friends!!! Time to start looking for new ones.

Make some new friends. The ones you already got needs replacing.

I'm sorry pal. I can truly relate. Its awful. I just had my 25th. And it was the first time since turning 18 that I had it off from work, and also lived near my friends. A few wished me happy birthday, but ignored the invite to hang out or go out. wished me happy birthday, then asked if she could buy me a drink. I agreed, she had recently moved, so she sent me her address and I was on my way to go pick her up. Turned out, she gave me a fake address, then completely stopped talking to me until 4am. When she said "Hey, sorry I missed your calls. A friend came over so we went out. Is it too late for you to pick me up? I need a sober driver..."

I know it's late, but, happy birthday, OP! Wish you greatest year!

Not much worse than that feeling, in fact it's always been a quiet fear of mine. Feel better!

Those who clicked the 'you deserved it' must be real fun at parties!!