By wolfwhowanders - 11/12/2016 18:18 - United States - Grand Junction

Today, my $1300 mattress that I bought for my new home was delivered. To my old house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 410
You deserved it 1 644

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They probably had your old address on file. Both you and the sales associate probably should have double checked the address before scheduling the delivery... If you did, definitely file a complaint.

surely if you go and talk to the people that live at the old house theyd give it back


Yes, I'm sure if OP goes to the people who currently live in his old home and say "I changed my mind, I want my house back" they'll just be perfectly willing to give it back.

They probably had your old address on file. Both you and the sales associate probably should have double checked the address before scheduling the delivery... If you did, definitely file a complaint.

surely if you go and talk to the people that live at the old house theyd give it back

Did anyone hear Monica going "and that's why you make sure that you put your shipping address is different from the billing address" bit from Phoebe's wedding.

No, because that's not what she said. Plus OP's old house wouldn't be her billing address or her shipping address, she doesn't live there anymore.

Make sure the people at your old house have your new address. They need to send you a really nice thank-you note!

You probably should have asked them if they had your new address on file OP. But hopefully you can talk to them or the people at your old house so you can get your mattress back!

Not necessarily OP's fault. I've had a package be delivered to my home address (which was the billing address) instead of an address in a whole different country which was the postal address. I'd paid special shipping too.

Ok so call the company and explain to them that they mailed the mattress to the old house, and explain that they need to pick it back up and bring it to your right address. Be polite, but firm. If the company refuses to do so, give them a 1 star review on google, Yelp, etc explaining that they took your money, mailed it to an address you don't even currently live at, and then refused to correct the problem by bringing the mattress to the right address. And if the people at your old house refuse to give the mattress back, just say you'll call the police. If they still idiotically refuse to allow you to get your mattress- then actually DO call the police, and bring documentation with you proving that it's your mattress, you just bought it, and have the company phone number handy to call them and show the police officer onsite that they are refusing to give you your property back. And if the homeowners will allow you to take the mattress and you have a truck or van, and it's close by, just quickly go pick it up yourself. This really isn't an FML, unless you have a fundamental lack of understanding of how companys or the law works

It's an FML because that takes a lot of time that OP might not have. Also, if the old house is far away, just "showing" the officer proof isn't easy. Sure, you could mail/email the proof, but then it goes into "processing" and someone somewhere doesn't do their job, or it gets lost, or any other problem arises. Then it takes even MORE time. Honestly, I'd rather do something fun and relaxing than try to fix that mess. But that's just me.

Does this mean I have to return it...? I'm not sure you'll want it now, honestly.