By Anonymous - 12/05/2019 00:00

Today, my anxiety has been so bad, I have had vivid dreams of my boyfriend of 6 months cheating on me. This is not the first time these dreams have happened, and I know for a fact he is not cheating. My anxiety is going to turn me into the crazy girlfriend from hell. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 924
You deserved it 309

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Alurius_moon88 4

YLS. But two things, are you taking birth control? (Maybe recently, started?) Or.. are you feeling guilty about something? Maybe you've been interested in someone else, or are feeling guilty for something you've done, to him? Because, sometimes those dreams mean the opposite. Dreams are often a projection of your own subconscious guilt. Or, the birth control aspect, believe it or not, since they alter your hormones, they actually have been proven to cause jealousy in relationships. For whatever reason.

How do you know for a fact he's not cheating on you?


Don't sleep. That way you won't have nightmares and you'll be "normal" for this boyfriend. Good luck!

You’ve been overdoing the wit lately.

Alurius_moon88 4

YLS. But two things, are you taking birth control? (Maybe recently, started?) Or.. are you feeling guilty about something? Maybe you've been interested in someone else, or are feeling guilty for something you've done, to him? Because, sometimes those dreams mean the opposite. Dreams are often a projection of your own subconscious guilt. Or, the birth control aspect, believe it or not, since they alter your hormones, they actually have been proven to cause jealousy in relationships. For whatever reason.

susie000 3

Hi! I'm the OP. About 3 months ago I switched from birth control pills to the shot. I am not interested in anyone else other than my boyfriend, nor do I do have anything to be guilty about. I think it's the switch to the shot. I have had other wacky symptoms since I started it.

J15237 25

that could explain a lot. Side affects for medications really can be tricky. Especially ones that affect hormones like birth control does.

How do you know for a fact he's not cheating on you?

susie000 3

I'm the OP. He is taking 5 college courses and works full-time at the Dominos in our college town as a delivery boy. Obviously they're constantly busy. His roommate is my best friend, so I hang out with him at their dorm when my boyfriend is with us or not. By the rime my boyfriend gets back home, he's exhausted and is always happy to see me. Since he started working at Dominos, we haven't had much time together, but when we are together, we always have a great time. Even if he wanted to cheat, he wouldn't have the time to do so.

Phil 14

So you hang out with your boyfriend's best friend, in their shared dorm room when your boyfriend isn't there? Isn't that how a lot of Jerry Springer shows start out?

bloopaloop 27

Maybe it’s not anxiety that you have but dementia, and you’re actually 70 years old thinking of the husband that cheated and left you 40 years ago

susie000 3

No, I'm pretty sure it's my anxiety. I'm a 21 year old college student.

Sonotsuave 35

Yeah dreams are usually in that case a manifestation of your worries or fears, so if you have no reason to actually believe he is then you need to work through your anxiety and stress in a healthy manner to calm such irrational fears, and that way the cheating dreaming should stop

Therapy if you are starting to have awake reactions to dream actions.

I can partly understand your anxiety l. I have some bad anxiety myself but mine is more directed towards friends and family. i have found a particular therapy that helps. its called havening, i dont know where you are in the world and so i dont know if there are people in your area that do havening. it is fairly new to pyschologists and physchiatrists but it really helps to remove emotions and feelings that are unwanted by us for certain situations or towards someon in particular. Id totally look into it if your wanting to try and get a hold of your anxiety and thoughts about your bf. goodluck! and i hope you do well. :)

I have been with my fiance for 2 years and still have dreams like that. They happen, you just have control how you respond.

J15237 25

How exactly are you sure he is not cheating on you? I mean sometimes your mind is trying to tell you something you really don't want to know.