By Awkward - 04/02/2010 16:03 - France

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me, claiming moving in was a bad idea and he is the type who needs his privacy. It was his idea to move in, he had to convince me. Now we are stuck, under lease together for the next 6 months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 863
You deserved it 3 711

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Draw a line up the middle and take one side.

olivejuice001 0

If one of you wants to stay wherever you are living and the other agrees to move out, you can usually have the lease rewritten under the name of the one staying. Did that when I realized my now ex-fiance was a waste of time and energy. He moved out, I kept the place. (This works best when he's done something incredibly stupid that you can hold over his head to motivate him to get lost.)


angeleyes22 0

shove him in the spare room lock the door then he can have all the privacy he wants!!!

You're stuck. At least it's not a year-long lease. Learn from this and save some money in the meantime. Look at it as an opportunity to sock away as much extra cash as you can. That way you won't resent him as much and you'll get something out of the 6-month sentence.

stormin972 0

Now you get to find a room mate.

xxmarlboroxx 0

you can get out of the lease. fyl though. he sounds like a dick.

MermaidSongXOXO 6

I don't think OP is King Solomon :]

no ur not stuck. the same thing happened to me recently. in my case he asked me to move 15 hrs away with him and when we got here he says "this isn't what he wants right now" so I'm making him get my name taken off the lease and he is also paying for a moving truck to move my stuff again. he's the one who got u into this mess... he can get u out!!!

Erindub 0

Did you happen to yell at him in your sleep a few nights ago and break up with him : )

dugumit 0

if you were smart you would pack all your crap when he's not there and move on out. let him be stuck with the lease. he does want to be alone.

[Insert obvious comment about making your bed and sleeping in it here.]