By O_O - 12/07/2013 20:15 - United States - Columbus

Today, my boyfriend insisted that I start calling him "Professor Fucktard" in the bedroom. He seems to be dead serious about it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 625
You deserved it 5 819

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I wonder how that fantasy got started....

chocolatefrog28 29

Insist that he, in turn, call you something like Princess Twatwaffle until one of you cracks. If you can't beat the crazy, join in.


cottoncandymango 17
Thomas6792 7

ik what I must go forth an do now

Joseph980000 6

Maybe he has a fetish of young school girls ;)

Am I the only one that uses that as an insult?...

Shandra78 9

Sounds like he's got a stiffy for Debra Morgan from Dexter...that's one of her lines.

jw90 18

Professor Fucktard is in the building. My lovely assistant could you please hand me one of those stretchy lubrication bag-like devices? Oh and the butt ointment. You'll need that too.