By tacky_unrefined - 16/02/2009 23:01 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of four months broke up with me via text message. He spelled my name wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 476
You deserved it 4 079

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jojo23jojo23 0

I was in a similar situation a few months ago. I spent 5 months with someone who not only didn't know how to spell my name, but said "it's not a big deal how you spell it" when I corrected him. I hope you're not too upset about the situation; he can't be that great anyway :)

CountMonteCristo 3

#30, there's a reason girls don't date guys like you. YOU HAVE NO BALLS. loser


jojo23jojo23 0

I was in a similar situation a few months ago. I spent 5 months with someone who not only didn't know how to spell my name, but said "it's not a big deal how you spell it" when I corrected him. I hope you're not too upset about the situation; he can't be that great anyway :)

skluttastical 0

Well... is your name hard to spell? Or does he have a tricky keyboard on his phone, like an iPhone perhaps? Either way, that's tacky.

agreed, 3. iPhone keyboards are impossible.

I lol'd! I found out a while ago that my apt. mate and her bf of 5 years spelled each other's names wrong the first few months they went out. I found that to be very funny.

FatFunnyGene 0

I definitely understand! The guy I am with now spells my name wrong all the time. (It's Ashleigh.. He spells it Ashley.) Not only does it drive me nuts anyway, but the mother of his child is Ashley... There's a slap in the face.

GhostDuck 30

Someone likes the name Ashley/ Ashleigh...

what a douche. he sounds like my ex. you'll find someone better fo shoo

hunnibunch913 0

Dont feel bad. My boyfriend wrote me a note, spelled my name wrong, and made his best friend give it to me. We're 21.

CaptainCasual 0

Only four months? Just imagine, you could have wasted a year or two before you found out he's a dick.

FlickMyBean 0

You've got more to worry about than a missing letter, but I'm sorry Oprah hasn't called yet. GTFO(ver) it

foolinwho_05 0

I'm sorry. I'm kinda going through the same. It sucks. It really does. Just ride it out. That's what i'm trying to do.