By Anonymous - 30/07/2013 01:10 - United States

Today, my boyfriend took me to dinner. There was a beautifully decorated table with rose petals and a huge bouquet and he told me he had ordered all this for me. I'd never felt so special. That is, until I had to get up for the couple whose table it actually was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 252
You deserved it 3 697

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How did he even think that would work out? As if the couple would see them at their table and apologize for intruding what they paid for?


lollypop30001 19

He was trying to steal another guys thunder and got caught.

Today's FML is brought to you by the letter E....for effort.

Woooow, what a dick. He'd better get you a real dinner with rose petals and a bouquet to make up for this.

Wouldn't you be seated by a hostess at a restaurant? How did you guys mangage to end up at a tabke set up for a different couple?

if you ever really want to feel special , then you're better off with someone else. he seems like the type that will never grow up or make an effort and take credit for what others do.

Hahaha!! That's funny. Smooth move on your boyfriends part. How did he explain that? "Well I thought about ordering all of that for you."

Obey_StudBoii 23

Lol reminds me of Peter from Family Guy.