By ohmylantis - 04/05/2011 14:50 - United States

Today, my boyfriend was introducing me to some business partners. As he was going along telling me their names, when he introduced me, he called me by my best friend's name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 234
You deserved it 3 730

Same thing different taste

Top comments

proudcookie11 0

seems like someone has some explaining to do


proudcookie11 0

seems like someone has some explaining to do

Yeah!!! OP needs to explain why this offended her!!!!.......just kidding.....don't hit me..... In all seriousness it COULD have been an honest mistake, just isn't likely.

ImaWiseGuy 5

it's only natural that any guy would rather have his wing man on his side in that situation whether it be subconsciously or consciously, so don't take it personal....

Time to question your "best friend"...

ImaWiseGuy 5

ha, I read it wrong I thought it said his best friend...

Well hell OP.... I would have done the same thing if my girlfriend's name was "ohmylantis".

When my boyfriend and I moved into our apartment, we couldn't make it to where the apartment was to pay our damage deposit, so we had his sister do it for us. When the landlord asked her what my last name was, she told her it was Gueguen. My last name is Richard. Gueguen is his ex-girlfriends last name. Guess it happens to the best of us.

Hopefully, he comes up with a good excuse!! Don't worry, I'm sure he didn't mean to do that!!

Lol me too so when I read your comment I couldn't understand why so many people hated it. lol

That's when he backhands her for forgetting to correct him.

Hell ya and the red flag goes up! ding ding ding!!!! somethings up!!

wow that sucks. I would have dumped my boyfriend then and there. Cant remember your name? what's next?

you would dump him as soon as the suspicion of cheating is aroused before you talk to your boyfriend and best friend? man your marriage won't last long then.

I'd hate to be your boyfriend if you have communication skills of that caliber.

xk75 4

well the bf's communication skills consist of calling his own girlfriend by HER BEST FRIEND'S name. I think he is NOT a keeper!

Dontcha mean girlfriend? (like you'd have a boyfriend)

89 - it is most likely that he's cheating but you still can't dump him right then and there I was with this guy once and my friend Taylor was jealous because I wouldn't blow him, so he decided to tell the guy I was blowing him and a *****. what did the guy I like do? LEFT ME! NO explanation, ignored my messages and all. I found out it was officially over once he changed his relationship status to in a relationship with some girl. after they broke up he wanted me back, saying he made a mistake but he didn't want to talk to me about why he left me because "that would arouse feelings and I'm taken so I feel as though that's cheating" bull ****** shit man. I would have MAYBE given him another chance if he talked to me about it, but he didn't! guys make stupid mistakes all the time, my dad forgets my birthday a lot. I'm not saying OPs boyfriend isnt cheating though, he probably is. but OP NEEDS to talk to him and her best friend about it. if you girls seriously would leave someone right away without talking to them, it shows how immature you are.

I agree with you 104 but wow we didn't need your life story we don't even know you..

you dont talk alot 122. its just a little too much info at times

Shit, calm down. You can't just ASSUME things right away? Haven't you ever learned where assuming things gets you? Maybe he's a little absent-minded like myself, maybe he had a lot in his mind, maybe he is cheating. We won't know, only OP will... I hope she will, anyway.

106: but it's like I know her now!

MuchDance90s 0

106 & 133 -- then skip over her posts. I happen to enjoy them.

thats assuming u could get a guy but judging by ur profile pick and ur "im the cutest thing in the world and deserve the best" attitude any guy dating u is guaranteed to be cheating... only way he could cope. sting?

wow.. really? break up with a guy because he accidentally calls you the wrong name? wonder what the average lifespan of your relationship is... especially if you plan on breaking up with guys for things like that.

well kinda depends on how long they have been dating for..

62...hmm.. I wouldn't know cuz ive never been in a relationship!

with that attitude you wont ever be in a relationship

94.. number one I was just joking and number two if he called her by her best friends name.. what would you think? don't take things so seriously guys.. jeez

minktheshrink 0

95 - I wouldn't mention anything about being single when it comes to being an attractive young lady on FML... The "players" seem to come out of the woodwork. (Players is in quotes because I seriously doubt that most, if any, of the guys who do make comments have the opportunity to play anyone.)

103 actually i wouldnt take anyone on fml ever seriously like never. so dont take anything the wrong way or think people are serious. its the interweb

107 everything on my profile is real.. so yeah..

staceysgenesis16 0

woahhh woahh woaahh hey lets all be friends !! but idk bout a break up but id give him the silent treatment hehe

115 haha your back!!! and I agree lol :D

staceysgenesis16 0

hehehe !! yess im bakk !! aha bakk ferr more commenting >:]

johnson94 5

lesbians ^ (or maybe feminists)

I'm a player for sho, naah I'm actually pretty respectful of people, and as far the FML just talk it over and see what the deal is, could of just been a random slip of the tongue.

Freudian slip! He's got a bit of explaining to do.

Snafuusmc 12

just nervous that's all. I think!?!???!!!!

perdix 29

Maybe you have a silly name, and he didn't want to become a joke at his work. Pussy McFatfat might be an awesome girlfriend, but not a name you'd share at work.

yea...cause that's definitely it...good job using your intelligence there mate...

11, do you have the mental capacity to understand something called a joke?

keyboo 0

lmao I'm glad to sternest are still ppl who care out there I'm still giggling

CaptainPickles72 18

7- How do you know what I call my girlfriend!? XD

perdix 29

Your girlfriend? She says she's my girlfriend! To the typewriter: "Today, I found out on FML that my girlfriend who has a ridiculous name is cheating on me with Captain Pickles. I'm Major Wood -- I outrank that son-of-a-bitch! FML."

Predental 5

Not a big deal if you ask me. He was probably nervous.

igotnolegs 1

or........boning the best friend. im just sayin

SpectSelf 0

seems like you might need a new best friend and boyfriend.