By howaboutno - 14/03/2013 09:02 - United States

Today, my boyfriend, whom I haven't heard from in a whole month, turned up at my door because it was apparently "steak and blowjob day." FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 509
You deserved it 8 689

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Eh how is he still your boyfriend anyway when you haven't seen or heard from him in a month?!

TeamKelly 10


You haven't seen him in a month? He's not your boyfriend.

DirkTheDiggler 13

Whoa, I forgot that was today. I just have to pick up some A1 sauce and I'll be right over.

It's also "Find a new boyfriend" day.

Steak and ******* day was almost a month ago...

at least he has his priorities in order, steak is awesome.

'Today, my boyfriend who I haven't heard from in a whole month' hmmm... Pretty sure 'boyfriend' is the wrong word to use there...

aliciaanomalyyxo 12

You havt heard from him in a month?! Why do you still call him your boyfriend...

jopo_fml 1

Where is the "He Deserves It" button...

Steak and ******* day? Yes, yes it is. My man has already been given a tenderloin steak, and the night is far from over!

He's still your boyfriend after not hearing from him at all in a month? I understand if he was on a month long holiday to somewhere with no electricity, which I doubt from the way he's acted so far, but he hasn't even called you or text you? I ended my last relationship because of that and I'm glad I did, time you did too, op.