By chiktikka - 14/01/2014 22:06 - United Kingdom

Today, my dad asked me to lend him some money to buy his medication, since he's all but broke right now. He returned with nothing but a bottle of tequila. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 119
You deserved it 8 404

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bulldozer36 21

I think it's time to cut your dad off.


October3461 12

Don't give money to your father it's better to go with and pay therefore he can't spend it on things he really doesn't need.

Well if he does ever ask for money to pay for "medication" maybe you should go with him.

Hey he said he was going to buy medication right?

whiskeey 14

According to science, alcohol is a solution.

Technically tequila is medicine because it contains ingredients found in asprin which is why my mom can't drink tequila because shes allergic to asprin :P

SilverInGray 25

That doesn't technically make it medication.

Since you seem to be the kind of person who cries on FML when a man has a drink, it probably IS medication

Let's be knew he was an alcoholic. YDI.

Some people have a different kind of medication