By Anonymous - 22/02/2010 16:38 - United States

Today, my dad screamed at me because I've been "spending too much money". He's been out of a job for 4 months and I've been giving him 300 dollars a month to help pay for bills... and his beer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 719
You deserved it 3 426

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PsychoMerk 0

Stop giving him money -_- if he pulls that shit "I took care of you blahblah blahhh" tell him he's the dumbass that didn't use a rubber >:|


boatkicker 4

It's supposed to be gray in the US, and grey everywhere else. I like grey better though. I never really thought of a difference of darkness between the two though. In my head something labeled as "gray" seems to have more yellow tones and "grey" has cooler tones, but that's just me being a nut. lol.

fastcared 1

Back off of the makeup noise; the OP is about an unemployed dad. Don't you all fuss about who has a right to hold back money or about who has an obligation to pay. Being an unemployed dad is tough whether the guy is a banker or a crackhead. He's worrying about money 24/7/365. Do his worries get voiced as polite conversation? Maybe not. Bottom line: This is not an FML. OP is lucky to have a dad who is this focused and shares his feelings (albeit not so smoothly) with OP.

Of course he's angry. Your spending is gonna cut into his alcohol money. YDI for letting your dad mooch off of you, btw.

this sounds like one of my best friends' family. both their parents are alcoholics, neither work and their son who is twenty-one to their 45(-ish) lives at home to help support them. makes me so mad/sad. Sorry OP, i've seen the same thing happen, and its ******* unfortunate and pathetic.

do20ss 4

yea ur a nut alright, and did those two just cyber sex above me, I think that was kinda hot.....I'm just sayin "grey sucks".

tell him to shut the hell up and get ur own money and stop helping him.

do20ss 4

you should keep your comments shorter, if you want me to teach you, show me a copy of ur work n I'll shorten it. if you want me to come over there and show you I'm gonna need some essentials, better yet I should just let you rot.....IT'S YOUR DAD, break him off some money n if he complains about what little you give him then explain y you can't afford it....sorry for complaining about your novel and then writing a short story myself

tokintot07 0

your dads a dickkkkk. #60--agreeeed.

tell him to buy his own damn beer and that you're keeping your $300