By Anonymous - 05/07/2013 04:59 - Canada - Newmarket

Today, my daughter asked me to get her razors. When my 19-year-old son saw them he asked what they were for, to which my daughter replied, "For my armpits." My son then said, "Girls don't grow armpit hair." FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 972
You deserved it 6 915

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well he's gonna be surprised where else they grow hair if THAT shocks him...


That's exactly what happened in my family too!

stewpididiot 11

I gotta get me a new map... I didn't know Ontario was that close to west ****** ....

davek 36

They do in France. (Or so the stereotype goes.)

onorexveritas 23

we have successfully fooled that one!

sugarbaby9908 20
beachbum_101 16

Hahahahahahahahgahahahaha he's so naive!!

winkydink13 6

This isn't FML, it's just funny! xD

Merylwen 24

1/ Maybe he is, so what? That would be quite normal at 19. 2/ That has nothing to do with the FML anyway.