By thankskimi - 15/03/2009 18:29 - United States

Today, my first girlfriend of over 3 years left me for another guy. She said she's looking for someone who can financially provide for her in the future. The dude owns a T-Mobile kiosk. I'm going to medical school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 567 725
You deserved it 40 479

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry about her... You'll find a less stupid girl easily...

alex_vik 0

I'm sure you'll find someone intelligent.


Hellzyeah med school is the way to go! Listen man, at least at the hospital where I work, there are a lot of really hot nurses which has GOT to be better than whatever she was lol. I know it probably hurts now but in a few years when you're with your hot nurse wife it'll totally be worth it. Everything happens for a reason, right?

She lacks simple math skills... you dodged a bullet. Be happy now, and laugh the laugh of a maniac in 6 years when you find out she's living in a trailer park, pumping out kids as stupid as she is with the same guy, making the same wage as he is now, while you're buying your second home and a nice convertible.

realhorrorshow88 0

lmao well you can always have the last laugh when ur making bank and shes sucking some old guys off to pay for rent

i own a tmobile kiosk. and just so happen to have a new girlfriend. my bad dude.

blueice_fml 0

What a lucky break dude. She is clearly going nowhere in life. I had the same thing happen to me... I came out way ahead no doubt about it.

Hmm... she's either making up excuses or she's an idiot. If she's making up excuses then I'm really sorry. If she's being serious then she's probably doing you a favor by leaving.

Bubs_fml 0

Oh no, god forbid she has to work for anything. What a bitch, you can get a better girl dude!

poison29 0

Um, here's an idea: Women supporting themselves financially. Tell your girlfriend it's not 1930 anymore.

wow, women man. don't worry, when those other cell companies put t-mobile out of business, the bitch will realize she made a big mistake.