By sadness1992 - 06/11/2012 18:07 - United States - San Diego

Today, my girlfriend decided to invite her best friend over for a threesome. This would've been the best day ever, had I not been at work while it was taking place. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 049
You deserved it 4 234

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't know... To me, it seems that if you truly loved your girlfriend, you wouldn't e very eager to involve another person in your lovemaking. But maybe it's just me.


diabetic2damax 11

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OP's girlfriend probably wasn't prepared to break up with OP, which means she probably tried to keep quiet about her little affair. I think that OP found out by accident- there was no freaking hint.

StalkerChick 13

Wait, so who was the third person? Someone explain!

unknown_user5566 26

9- I think #1 meant "take this as a hint that your girl doesn't like you anymore." 36- OP's girlfriend invited two other people over to have a threesome with, instead of inviting OP and someone else. She cheated on him x2.

Hey maybe take a hint means she's a lesbian no one said #3 was a guy

Take a hint as in you don't spend enough time with her.

What hint?! I think you sir, have mental problems. But that's just my opinion.

I don't know... To me, it seems that if you truly loved your girlfriend, you wouldn't e very eager to involve another person in your lovemaking. But maybe it's just me.

imperfections55 1

i completly agree! fantasys of another person are unfortunally normal, but to be so eagar to get someone indicates you are not sexuall satisfyed.

But if you have a strong relationship and trust each other a threesome can be a fun experience.

Pretty_Pink_Lady 10

2 and 15: Well a lot of people feel that way (which is great), but there's also a lot of couples that enjoy kinky new things (also great). As long as everyone involved is okay with it, it's all good. This FML is just plain cheating though, and the OP should find a new girl.

Agreed with above. Your girlfriend is a cheater, and apparently likes it kinky when she cheats, which is a downer on both accounts for you. Sucks dude, get a new girlfriend. And previous posters, it's just sex, not forever, get over yourselves.

imperfections55 1

because im sure if your boyfriend/girlfriend cheated then said "its just sex not forever" you would say "Oh sorry sweetie! i misunderstood" i will respect other peoples choices and views on relationships, i simply stated mine

#15, are you deliberately writing this way?

No one gets this. He wasn't there, it implies he is being cheated on and missed something great.

imperfections55 1

i apoligize, enlgish was not my first language... i dont see why you had to put me down about it, for how long ive known it i feel im doing rather good /;

60- you don't need to apologize, your comment isn't that difficult to understand. She's just being a bitch

See some people just feel differently and appreciate openness in their relationship at least that's how I understand it

I understood you very easily, 60. Don't worry about it and don't let this deter you from using the language!

Yea but this is while he was at work,he wasn't involved

I feel like "just learning English" may be turning into an excuse like "my little brother stole my phone" but maybe that's just me.

greenimk 4

Must be some best friend. I mean, I love my bff but I'd never have sex with her...

shadexilmaendu 4

It's totally fine for you to think that way, and it's totally fine to prefer an open relationship as well. For me it's because I love the person, I don't want to limit what they can do with their body. It takes a lot of self confidence and lack of jealousy to make an open relationship work, but just because some people love differently doesn't mean it isn't love :)

megamandude455 10

Yes, but my point was that he said it would have been the best thing/ day ever, therefore implying he liked the idea of a threesome (with him involved, of course)

I agree with you unless there were just somehow two of my girlfriend...then it's game on. ;)

Better be! I don't understand why people stay with cheaters.

TheDrifter 23

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SweetlyPsycho 4

The **** are you talking about?!

5 is saying "you mean best friends", implying that third person was also her best friend. Then 5 basically said OP should say "video or it didn't happen" and said that for OP's sake lets hope it didn't happen.

TheDrifter 23

Thanks 82. I would have thought the negative thumbs came from a disagreement with my thought process if they had not made it abundantly clear that they didn't even follow the comment. Maybe I should highlight the important bits, maybe use hashtags so that I at least earn my thumbs down for objectionable viewpoints.

It's not your viewpoints, mate. It's your atrociously written comment. You don't need to highlight anything, just need to learn to revise.

chickenflem 8

I was expecting it to finish with "but the friend was a dude." This was worse.

winnerme123 8

If that was the case the they could make a sandwich.

11- Good grief! And I thought MY name looked like a serial number...

Bob_Cat_fml 14

#51, Well, no one said OP was a dude either. Could totally be a girl. And the friend could be a boy or a girl too.

TheDrifter 23

Spit roasting? Wouldn't that much spot just get messy? I hope they put a plastic sheet down.

ArielTheMermaid 17