By Anonymous - 22/10/2010 02:25 - United States

Today, my girlfriend told me on Facebook to stop calling/texting her because she lost her phone. Right under her post was "sent from Facebook for iPhone." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 455
You deserved it 4 662

Same thing different taste

Top comments

coyotemk11 3

it could of been sent from someone elses phone. you can log into facebook from anyones phone.

She could of posted it from her IPod. If you do post something to facebook it says from iPhone even though it is an iPod.


GrumbleMuffin 0

yes... bc your girl is the only person to have ever owned an iPhone.

Geicogecko 2
MyFirstKiss 0

Facebook:ruining relation ships and letting people like since 2001(irdk when)

legonut6 0

You see, this is what we call a "troll".

but even if she just has an Itouch like me. wen ur on Facebook posting stuff it will say it's sent from via iPhone but it was really sent from the itouch


maybe she has an iPod touch, if you do fb stuff on there it says iPhone.

ThomwithanH 0

Might be an iPod touch... otherwise dump her ass