By Discouraged - 31/05/2012 12:43 - United States - Rockville

Today, my little brother got his crush to go out with him by impressing her with his level 500 FarmVille. This is the next generation. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 932
You deserved it 2 647

Same thing different taste


shrdlu 28

"Kids these days... they have no respect for their elders, they dress like bums, and their music... it's just noise." Probably your grandparents agreed with that, your parents do, and when you have kids you will too.

dusktrainer 4

I'm pretty sure you're in the same generation as your brother

No, that's YOUR generation. he's your brother, not your son or niece. and you have no right to judge him.

MerrikBarbarian 9

Sad... But I probably should say too much given I've been bribed into dates with roadkill. I'd also date anyone who was named Luke Skywalker... Just because XD ok maybe I'm not the person to be talking about low or strange standards... Yeah probably not.

Did you here about the woman who killed her child over FarmVille? Be glad that's the outcome. Obviously they are not mature the relationship won't last (hopefully) maybe when he gets older he'll impress woman with Idk, a job, car, good looks, sports. At least something that is real.

dspohn39 4

I don't want to live on this planet anymore

RemedyMarks 1

At least he's not impressing her with cigarettes or bullying, you know what I mean?

brookayyy 0

I think that you should be happy for your little brother instead of being whiny. This really isn't a FML situation.

ea247 20

I don't want to live on this planet anymore

Just a heads up, coming from personal experience/thumbs down, others do not find this funny anymore. We must find another!