By WhitneyHouston - 06/07/2009 19:33 - United States

Today, my neighbor knocked on my door and left a note that said "Please stop singing in the shower. You're terrible, and everyone in the building can hear you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 666
You deserved it 15 311

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would be so embarrassed if someone did that to me. I usually sing in the shower just to have some noise in there other than the damn shower head running...

I wouldnt be that embarrassed just because almost everyone sounds like shit in the shower.


katarina956 0

Do what you want. Seriously, you're in the shower. Bet they sing in their showers too...

Lmfao why do people always get into fights on here?

Therewhenneeded 16

Sing three times as loud then. You sing for YOUR enjoyment if people have issues the can deal with it for a few minutes.

LeapingTurtles 4
JokersHQ 21

Well that was rude! i'd say just ignore it. Unless you are singing at the top of your voice and being disturbing by your loudness, you've done nothing wrong and they shouldn't try to embarrass you into stopping something that's not hurting anyone.

It's your shower in your home and you can do whatever you damn well please!