By NOOOOOO - 16/08/2015 23:18 - United States

Today, my only pair of shoes that I brought got stolen at the airport while I was being checked by security. I'm now stuck 1000 miles from home with no shoes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 160
You deserved it 2 484

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Irony, you were stopped or being a potential criminal, meanwhile some criminal stole from you


They let you on a plane with no shoes?

Well, you could've been like me. On a cruise in the middle of the ocean with no clothes because someone stole my suitcase. This was in March. The suitcase never turned up.

I always bring an extra pair, just in case!

Well, the airport should be responsible for providing you with new shoes. Didn't officials notice the theft? Otherwise, there are plenty of shops in an airport, I'm sure there's a place for shoes.

Why did you only bring one pair of shoes? It's common sense to bring multiple pairs when going away.

Kaalschneid 21

taxi to a shoe store. ...duh.

How the hell did airport security not realise that? "That guy has two pairs of shoes...that's strange..." "those are mine" "Tough luck"

At least someone liked your shoes so much they stole them. Sucks though

time for a new pair from duty free my friend :)