By Anonymous - 02/04/2016 09:23 - Australia - Melbourne

Today, my sister called me a moron after I told her that no, healthy foods do not give you "negative calories". She's 21 and goes around telling everyone that she's an expert nutritionist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 497
You deserved it 1 642

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alex_the_tiger 14

Well celery use more calories chewing it than calories gained by consuming it

I'm surprised so many people still believe a lot of the diet/health "tips" that so called experts spout to get people to listen to them. Doing a little research before trying any sort of diet goes on a long way into staying healthy and safe.


What are negative calories? Never heard of such a thing in my life

Supposedly there are some foods and drinks that require more energy for your body to process than what the food/drink itself provide, therefor you would lose calories just by eating/drinking that. Problem is, there is absolutely no scientific evidence for this yet and it seems to be the next new age mumbo-jumbo. They have only been able to measure it in some drinks, but the effect was so minimal, it was completely not worth it.

One example of a negative calorie drink is cold water. Since water has 0 calories and your body has to heat it up first, that would be a negative calorie drink. The effect is just so minimal you would need to live on cold water for a year to lose a pound of fat.

There are a few negative calorie foods out there. It's where you burn more calories in process of digestion, than the food itself contains. However, the food loses its negative caloric content depending on its method of preparation. Also, the list of negative calorie foods isn't really that extensive. Something being "healthy" isn't enough to effect the way your body processes the calories. It sounds like she might have found some partial information somewhere, and just kinda ran with it, rather than continue on to research more. Sadly this is all too common these days, and false information continues to spread like wildfire by those who are self proclaimed experts.

Yes there are some "negative calorie" foods - meaning it takes more calories to digest them than they actually contain. But it really doesn't matter, because it's only a few extra calories burned - not enough to make a difference in your weight. What makes most veggies healthy is that they have fiber and vitamins and fewer calories, not negative calories.

The best diet is eat less, more healthy food, and exercise more. Don't believe that shit "experts" tell you

It could just be a concept, when I was on a diet my dietician gave me a concept like that. For example when you are calories counting certain foods can be negative calories.

actually you can eat foods that actually take more callories to dygest than is in the item so technically it is negative calories.

ArcheryArtist 20

I'm so happy I'm an only child

IThriveWithYourPain 14

"Negative calories do not exist" Using more energy to chew and digest food than you gain from consuming that food is a thing